One True Master: Desire Island Series - Book 1 Read online

Page 11

  She gasped suddenly, her pupils dilating. He’d found it. He moved in a slow, lazy circle inside her until she trembled beneath him. Letting go of one of her wrists, he grabbed her throat, recalling her powerful submissive reaction on the beach. Color rushed to her cheeks, her cunt spasming around his shaft.

  His own lust was getting the better of him, and he moved faster inside her, his climax mounting too quickly for him to resist any longer. Keeping her pinned to the bed by wrist and throat, he fucked her hard, his guttural grunts a counterpoint to her breathy, feminine gasps. His balls tightened, his cock tingling as he neared the point of no return.

  “Come for me, Skylar,” he managed to pant as his climax rose from deep inside, pulsing and surging. Skylar’s delicious, hot cunt tightened around him as she convulsed in release. Seconds later, he exploded like the cork popping from a fizzy bottle of champagne.

  He fell heavily against her, his heart thudding, his mind momentarily blank. When he could catch his breath, he realized he was probably squashing the woman trapped beneath him. Gathering what strength he had left, he wrapped his arms around her and rolled to his back, pulling her on top of him, his cock still inside her.

  As she rested her head against his chest, he reached up to smooth the riot of silky blond hair from her face, tucking it gently behind her ear. He placed his other hand lightly on her back, stroking her soft skin until her ragged breathing eventually slowed and deepened.

  A sense of quiet elation lifted his spirit as his eyes closed. It felt so perfect, so right, to hold this woman in his arms. He hadn’t been this happy since…ever.

  Chapter 11

  Skylar sat on Caelan’s lap on the balcony, watching the sun set over the water, turning it a sparkling gold. Skylar felt as if she were in some kind of marvelous dream, one she never wanted to wake from.

  Too focused on each other to go down to dinner, Master Caelan had called for one of the slaves to bring them a tray. Shani had appeared at his door, her eyes sparkling with excitement and curiosity as she set the food down on the balcony table per Master Caelan’s instruction. She met Skylar’s gaze with a quizzical expression that telegraphed, “Oh my god! You’re in Master Caelan’s private suite! Tell me everything later!”

  Skylar had telegraphed back, “I know, right? I’m in heaven! Later, I promise.”

  After that first amazing bout of lovemaking, they’d both fallen asleep. Skylar, who never napped during the day and hadn’t believed she was capable of doing so, awoke refreshed and invigorated.

  She’d leaned up on her elbow beside her lover and admired his profile in repose. His nose was slightly crooked, which she found charming. He had a strong chin, his jaw square. He was a big man, rugged and masculine, his broad, muscular chest covered in sexy dark fuzz. He reminded her of Liev Shreiber, the actor.

  As if sensing her gaze, he’d awoken, turning to look at her. His gray eyes had darkened with a thrilling dominant lust as he reached for her. They made love again, only that time he’d tied her wrists to the headboard. Scooting down between her legs, he’d licked and kissed her.

  Skylar had resisted at first, shyly pressing her thighs together. It felt strange, even wrong, to have a Master doing something she regarded as a submissive act. But, apparently, he hadn’t seen it that way. He’d gently but forcibly parted her thighs, lifting his head to say, “This body belongs to me now. You will submit in whatever way pleases me.” His eyes had sparked with dominance as he added, “You know better than to deny me, Skylar. I’ll have to punish you later for trying to withhold your body from me. I see a straddle beam in your near future.”

  She’d melted into the bed at that point, thrilling to the delicious erotic sensation of being bound with rope, helpless to resist his amazing tongue as he drove her wild. “Please, Sir, may I come?” she had gasped just before toppling over the edge.

  He’d growled a yes while at the same time lifting himself over her and plunging his thick, hard cock into her, extending her climax and leaving her dazed with pleasure.

  “Kneel on the cushion beside me and I’ll feed you,” Master Caelan said now, pulling her back to the present. He gave her a gentle push from his lap.

  Skylar obeyed, though she wasn’t thrilled at the prospect of being fed. It had never floated her erotic boat to have someone else taking that kind of control.

  As if sensing her reservations, Master Caelan flashed a knowing smile. “Not everything is about turning you on, Skylar. I choose to feed you to reinforce that you are giving up control now—complete control. You will eat at my pleasure. You will use the toilet only with permission. You will never, ever touch yourself sexually without my express direction. You will serve me both sexually and otherwise, in whatever way pleases me. The word ‘no’ is no longer in your vocabulary. You may still use your safeword if you feel it is absolutely necessary, but if I determine that you are abusing it in order to get out of something you simply don’t want to do, your punishment will be swift and severe. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Skylar replied, her heart racing with excitement.

  Shani had brought up roasted chicken and rice, along with sparkling water and a bottle of white wine. Master Caelan cut a piece of the chicken and held it to Skylar’s lips with his fingers. She accepted the delicious morsel, which was followed with a sip of wine. In spite of previous reservations about being fed, she found the experience highly erotic. His every move was charged with eroticism, from the intimate way he put his fingers into her mouth to the way he dabbed her lips with his napkin.

  When they were done eating, they set the food tray just outside the suite door in the hallway. “A slave will be by later to collect it,” Master Caelan said. He took the “Do Not Disturb” tag from the inside door handle and hung it on the outside. Closing the door with a click, he turned to Skylar. With a growl, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the bedroom, grunting like a caveman, making her laugh.

  Dropping her onto the bed, he fell on top of her, covering her body with his and her mouth with kisses. It was a long, lovely while before they actually fell asleep.

  “Hey, sleepyhead. You better get up if you’re going to be down in time for positions and grace training. It’s a little after six.”

  Skylar opened her eyes. Caelan was smiling down at her, propped on his elbow in the bed beside her. She came instantly awake. “Oh, wow,” she said. “I wonder what Maya and the others are thinking, since I never went back down to my bedroom.”

  Caelan grinned. “Don’t worry. Word travels so fast around here I’m sure they know everything already, even things you don’t know yourself.” He laughed. “If you want any secrets, this is not the place for you.”

  Before they’d fallen asleep the night before, he’d clipped her cuffs together with a short length of chain. “To remind you even when you’re sleeping that you belong to me,” he’d said, to her delight. Now, he reached for her cuffs to release the clip.

  Flopping back against the pillows, he said, “Go ahead and do your washing up and grooming. You’ll find a fresh razor in the drawer to the left of the sink. I’ll expect you in the mirrored training room after breakfast.” He ran his thumb along her jaw and down her throat, sending a shiver of submissive desire through her body. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten your punishment,” he added with a wicked gleam in his eye. “Now, up you go. You don’t want to be late.”

  Trainee Ben had completed his program and left the island the day before, while Janie had been excused from positions training and conditioning that morning, as her husband/Master had arrived on the island and she was staying with him. The new trainee wasn’t due to arrive until later that afternoon, so it was just Skylar with the staff slaves—Maya, Shani, Abbie and a sweet guy named Tommy.

  There had been much grinning and knowing glances exchanged as they were drinking their fruit smoothies in the kitchen. Now, as they did their preliminary stretching on the beach, Abbie burst out, “Okay, Skylar. You’re killing us, he
re. Out with it. You didn’t sleep in your bed last night. Rumors are flying. What’s the story with you and Master Caelan?”

  They all chimed in, eagerly demanding a full accounting. As Skylar shared the basics, they listened with rapt attention and shining eyes. She was struck by how easy it was to talk to these people. Though she’d only known them a few days, she already felt like they were her people, the connection immediate and strong. She thought about her life back in Charlotte, which now seemed black and white compared to this Technicolor dream. The only friends she really had back on the mainland, not counting work acquaintances, were Rhi and James. What would they think about all this?

  This new circle of friends seemed so genuinely happy for her. No one asked what would happen at the end of her week, for which Skylar was grateful, as she didn’t yet know herself. All she knew was, she never wanted to leave this island.

  It felt like home.

  After breakfast, Skylar reported as directed to the mirrored training room. She waited in a kneeling up position on the yoga mat in the center of the room, her heart beating with excited anticipation. At the same time, nervous butterflies flitted in her belly as his earlier comment about a straddle beam in her near future flashed through her mind.

  Master Caelan appeared in the doorway a few minutes later, dressed again in a T-shirt and black jeans. A part of her wanted to leap up and kiss him but she remained where she was as he approached her.

  “Are you ready for your punishment?” he asked, sending a shiver of erotic fear through her loins.

  “Yes, Sir,” she managed, tensing in spite of herself.

  “Tell me why you’re being punished.”

  “Because I closed my legs to you, Sir,” she replied, flushing a little at the memory of his sweet tongue driving her wild.

  “That’s correct. I trust that won’t happen again.”

  “No, Sir.”

  He walked over to the hanging straddle beam. “Stand up over the beam.”

  Skylar rose to her feet and lifted one leg over the beam, which at present was only a foot or so off the floor. Master Caelan went to the wardrobe and returned with a hank of rope. “Place your hands behind your back and fold them, grasping opposite forearms,” he directed.

  Leaving the cuffs in place, he proceeded to wrap the rope around her forearms, tethering them together. She could see what he was doing in the mirrors on either wall. As the rope wound and tightened around her, that familiar sense of erotic surrender moved through her body, stiffening her nipples and melting her insides. When he was done, he straightened and reached for the pulley device that controlled the height of the board.

  As he slowly raised it, he said, “I assume you’re familiar with predicament bondage?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Skylar whispered, her heart leaping into her throat.

  “Lift up on your toes.”

  Skylar obeyed, nervous sweat prickling beneath her arms.

  He continued to raise the beam until it pressed up between her legs. She lost her balance slightly, unable to use her arms for purchase, as the wood made contact with her spread cunt. It didn’t hurt, not yet, not while she was still on her toes. But the narrow beam had sharp edges that would press painfully into her delicate flesh when she lowered her toes, which she would invariably have to do at some point.

  Master Caelan retrieved a folding chair from a corner of the room and set it up directly in front of her. He sat in the chair and unzipped his fly, pulling his large, semi-erect cock from his jeans. He wrapped his hand around it and smiled a lazy, cruel smile. “You look beautiful like that, Skylar, bound and balanced on the straddle beam. How long can you stay on your toes, do you think?”

  “I’m not sure, Sir,” Skylar replied breathlessly.

  “I guess we’ll find out.”

  It could have been ten minutes or it could have been an hour. Skylar lost track of time as she held herself up on her toes, the hard wood making its presence known between her legs. She focused on Master Caelan, who looked incredibly sexy massaging his shaft with his large hand, his eyes fixed on her.

  After a while, her legs and feet began to tire. She lowered herself experimentally to the ground. The sharp edges of the wooden board dug painfully into her. She winced and lifted immediately back to her toes. Master Caelan smiled that sexy, evil smile once more as he continued to stroke his erection.

  For a split second, she wanted to slap him. She wanted to make him get up on the beam and see how he liked it digging into his delicate testicles. The feeling passed after a moment, however. She had earned this punishment by closing her legs to her Master. She would accept it with as much grace as she could muster.

  She managed to stay up a while, until her legs trembled from the effort. Unable to hold up any longer, she lowered her feet flat on the floor, causing the wood to press painfully against her sex.

  She gasped, her face twisting with pain.

  “Breathe through the pain,” Master Caelan counseled. “Embrace your punishment and know that when it’s over, your slate is clean.”

  “It hurts, Sir,” she managed, wincing.

  “It’s supposed to, slave Skylar. It’s a reminder that you must never, ever close your legs to me. Suffer for me now, and you will thank me afterward.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she breathed, some of the pain actually edging away as she drew in and released a deep, cleansing breath.

  But it was soon back. She tried to lift again on her toes, but her legs had apparently turned to jelly and refused to cooperate. The wood cut into her flesh. She looked down at the floor beneath her to see if she was bleeding, but she appeared to be intact despite the pain. She was sweating freely now, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to process and endure the increasing erotic agony.

  Her safeword! Should she use it? Even as she thought this, she dismissed it. She wasn’t in danger. Master Caelan knew exactly what he was doing. If she used it, it would only be because she was uncomfortable, and that, she understood now, wasn’t the purpose of the scene-stopping last resort.

  “Yellow light,” she said instead, but he just looked at her, shaking his head ever so slightly.

  She lifted again briefly onto her toes before slamming down again when her left calf cramped suddenly and painfully. “Fuck! I can’t!”

  “You can,” Master Caelan said calmly, still stroking his gorgeous cock. “You’re doing very well. I’m pleased.”

  In spite of her distress, his praise sent a shaft of warm sunlight through her, easing the pain just a little. At that moment, she finally let go. She stopped resisting the pain and instead flowed into it, letting it claim and control her. She closed her eyes, drifting in a kind of pain-induced fog, her cunt throbbing, the sweat trickling down her sides.

  Suddenly, the pressure was gone, the wood no longer pressed up hard against her. She opened her eyes to see Master Caelan lowering the chains that held the beam in place. He had tucked his cock back into his jeans, though she could still see the outline of his erection pressing against the denim.

  She swayed a little, dizzy with relief that the punishment was over. Her cunt felt bruised and tender but otherwise none the worse for wear.

  He untied her quickly and helped her step away from the beam. Then, unexpectedly, he placed an arm behind her back, the other behind her knees, and lifted her up. Cradling her in his arms, he carried her to the recovery couch and set her gently down.

  To her surprise, he knelt in front of her. Placing his big hands on her thighs, he said, “You handled your punishment well. Let me soothe away any lingering pain.” He lowered his head between her legs. For a fraction of a second, she nearly closed them, fortunately recalling herself in time. This was his body—his possession—given freely by her for him to do with as he chose.

  She closed her eyes, a sigh escaping her lips as his perfect tongue snaked along the folds of her sex and danced in a delicious circle around her clit. He licked away every trace of discomfort, leaving her trembling with lust. Witho
ut realizing what she was doing, she reached for his head, gripping his thick, dark hair in her fingers as she neared orgasm.

  “Oh, god,” she moaned, trembling. “Please, Sir. May I come?”

  All at once, his lovely, hot mouth was withdrawn. “No, slave Skylar. You may not.”

  Chapter 12

  They spent the rest of the morning working on positions training. Caelan was curious to see how she was progressing with the basic positions she was learning with the staff slaves. He drilled her for quite a while on the traditional island poses, including the various inspection, examination, bondage and punishment positions. She was quick to learn, though not yet as graceful as she needed to be. He continued to encourage her, as that grace would develop naturally over time.

  When they broke for lunch, he was tempted to bring her with him into the main dining room, but a little time apart was probably wise. She needed some time to decompress from the intensity of the morning’s training.

  After lunch, he attended a brief staff meeting, during which Ella and Ryan pummeled him with eager questions about how it was going. “I’m crazy about her,” he admitted as they talked. “I don’t know what’s going to happen at the end of the week.”

  “We could always hold her captive,” Ryan said, twirling an imaginary mustache.

  “Hopefully it won’t come to that,” Ella said with a laugh. “But seriously, you know we’re looking to staff up. This might be a bit premature, but I think Skylar could end up being a great addition to our team. During one of our email exchanges, she mentioned that she’s not happy in her current career. Maybe she’d be amenable to making a change.”

  “You’d consider her?” Caelan asked, surprised and pleased.