The Cowboy Poet Page 18
It‘s understandable, Clint agreed. And that don‘t mean you have to stay here now, either, if you decide it‘s not right. You got options, Ty, plenty of em. And the same goes for me. I‘ve put in my time at the bull ranch, but I‘m not ever goin‘ to be more than foreman there. There‘s a whole passel of sons in line to actually run the place. But I‘ve been savin‘ my money for a long time. I had a few bulls of my own over the years I was able to sell for a pretty good price. I‘ve been bidin‘ my time, thinkin‘ bout maybe strikin‘ out on my own one of these years, if the mood ever took me.
He pulled Tyler closer, adding. I‘d need me a good partner to get things goin‘ and make a real go of it. Someone who knows the ins and outs of runnin‘ a ranch.
You mean like Jonas? Tyler held his breath. After all, as much as they seemed to be in love, Clint had known Jonas for years. He didn‘t want to fool himself on any score, or make assumptions that would only cause him pain.
No, not like Jonas, you dope. Clint laughed and ruffled Tyler‘s hair. Jonas is happy as a pig in shit just where he is. He‘s got no ambitions in that regard, trust me. I was thinking of you.If you were interested, of course.
They were both quiet and Tyler struggled to absorb the import of what Clint had just proposed. I‘m not talkin‘ tomorrow, or even necessarily this year, Clint continued in a quiet voice. It‘s just somethin‘ I‘ve been thinkin‘ about. Plannin‘ for, should the timin‘ be right. All I‘m sayin‘ is, there‘s possibilities. Don‘t hem yourself in. There‘s a whole world out there.
Clint reached for Tyler, finding his lips with his own. They kissed a long while, tongues exploring as their hands roamed eagerly over each other‘s naked body. When they eventually fell back beside each other, Clint said, We got somethin‘ special, Ty, you and me. I been lookin‘ all my life for you, only I didn‘t know it till I found you. Whatever else happens, we got each other.
He reached for Tyler‘s wrists, catching them in one hand and lifting Tyler‘s arms over his head on the bed. Tyler felt the familiar shudder of lust move its way through him at the dominant gesture. Clint leaned up over him, kissing him on the mouth, no longer a gentle caress, but a claiming with lips and tongue that left Tyler gasping when he finally let him go.
You packed your silver-handled cock whip like I told you? Clint rasped in his sexy voice.
Tyler gulped, his cock now hard as steel. Yes, Sir, he whispered and then, impulsively, I love you, Clint.
I love you, too, Ty. With all my heart.
Also Available at Romance Unbound Publishing ( Safe in His Arms
Heart of Submission
The Solitary Knights of Pelham Bay – Book 1: Finding Chandler The Solitary Knights of Pelham Bay – Book 2: A Test of Love The Solitary Knights of Pelham Bay – Book 3: Switching Gears The Solitary Knights of Pelham Bay – Book 4: Stardust Texas Surrender
Cast a Lover‘s Spell
Sarah‘s Awakening
Wicked Hearts
Submission Times Two
Confessions of a Submissive
A Princely Gift
Accidental Slave
Slave Girl
Lara‘s Submission
Slave Jade
Golden Angel: Unwilling Sex Slave
The Toy
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