Slave Girl Read online

Page 4

  "I will call you whatever moves me at the moment. If you are being my cunt, I will call you cunt.” Jill's eyes widened. Barry never used that word. “If you are being my whore, I'll call you that. I won't call you wife. Not yet. That's something you're going to have to earn. Right now I see you as my slut. As a girl who can't keep her legs closed and can't keep her hands off of other men. No. Don't speak. I want you silent right now, Jill. That is rule number one. You won't speak unless or until I specifically instruct you to do so. Do you understand?” Slowly Jill nodded, feeling a crazy heat in her cheeks and chest. She was blushing like a schoolgirl and she didn't exactly understand why.

  "Now, I'm going to help you, slut. I'm going to teach you to keep your legs closed and keep your body to yourself. You will be available only to me. Only me. That means not even you. Not yet. When I am not here, you won't have access to your own body. Again, until you earn it. And you won't be leaving the house for a while, until I decide I can trust you to leave without fucking the first man you see—"

  Jill couldn't control herself anymore. “Hey! That's unfair, you bastard! I never-” her words were cut off in surprise because Barry had risen from his chair and gone inside.

  She followed him yelling, “Hey, where're you going! Barry! Come back here!” She found him in a chair in the living room.

  He pointed to the floor in front of him, his face stony. “Kneel,” he barked at her. Jill knelt, silenced at last, looking up at him with trepidation. “I thought you said you wanted to learn! Kneel there and close your mouth! What was the first rule? Don't speak until spoken to. I don't care if you're offended by me speaking the truth. You will take it. Do you understand? Now, you broke the first rule. Time for the first lesson. Get up here over my knee, slave, and bare your ass for the spanking you've earned."

  Jill started to protest, but Barry looked so stern that she clamored onto his lap, lifting her dress so her ample naked bottom was bared for his hand. There were still the faintest little purple bruises from last night. Barry smoothed the flesh for a minute, gently touching the bruises. Then he began to smack her cheeks, not nearly as hard as he had the night before. After all, this was just a little reminder. Still, he spanked her long enough to make her begin to whimper and writhe on his lap. Her movement and her pretty ass getting nice and pink were enough to give Barry a raging erection. He pushed her off when the friction of her wriggling body against his cock was almost too much.

  Jill knelt again at his feet, her hair tangled and hanging in her face; her eyes bright with unshed tears from the spanking. “Are you ready to listen now, slut?” She nodded, looking down at the floor. “Good. Now, about your body not belonging to you anymore, it's going to be mine. Do you want that? Because I want it freely given. I want you to give yourself to me, to promise me complete obedience. Can you do that? Do you want that?"

  Jill nodded, frightened on one level, but deeply excited by his words. Yes, yes, she wanted that. She whispered her consent.

  "Ok, then. I want you to think about what that entails. I'm going to give you a little time to think it over, by yourself. I'm going to get dinner, but first, I want to show you what I've bought for you today."

  Barry brought the package from the hall and opened it on the coffee table. He pulled out a heavy leather whip with many soft tresses. Jill's eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she looked at the whip. Next he brought out a medium sized riding crop with a thick leather loop made for smacking a horse's ass, or a woman's ass, her ass. He brought out a silk blindfold, really a sleep mask, and some black rope coiled neatly in its packet. Finally he brought out a small metal contraption that looked like some kind of odd shaped jewelry box with buckles and chains.

  "What's that?” she blurted out.

  "Your chastity belt."

  "My what?"

  "Your chastity belt.” He said the words carefully, like he was speaking to a slow child. “That's going to go over my pussy. The pussy that can't seem to stay in its panties when any stray guy happens to pass by the house. You're going to wear it for a while. To see what it's like to lose control, to give up control to someone else. You've never done that before, have you, Jill? It's all always been your way. Now it's my way. Stand up. Let's try it on."

  She stood uncertainly, but her vivid dark eyes were bright, almost fevered. Paul had told him online today where to buy the toys and training tools any decent master should own. He had advised that a chastity belt was an excellent purchase when training sluts like Jill. It taught them quickly who was in control, and left no room for ‘mistakes.’ Now Barry buckled the odd contraption onto Jill, pulling the little sheath into place with the straps, and buckling it round her waist. Against the small of her back, he attached the locking clasp, and put the key on a slim silver chain he wore around his neck.

  Jill touched the thin metal band that Barry had adjusted around her waist. It was cinched tight, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. Attached to the belt was a flat broad strip of metal that ran down her belly and fit snugly over her pussy, completely covering her clit and entrance. Two thin chains attached to the belt in the back, making a V across her buttocks. The burnished metal was lined with soft black velvet, which fit over the sides to prevent chafing. The belt had been quite expensive, and came with a large packet of little replacement velvet liners, which could be attached by their Velcro backing to Velcro permanently attached to the inside of the metal pussy plate. The salesman at the upscale adult boutique had assured Barry that this would need to changed daily, since the sluts who wore these things were always creaming into them. The old Barry would have been insulted and offended by the man's coarse remarks, but the new Barry just smiled and nodded his agreement.

  The metal contraption felt heavy and cold between her legs. It covered her mons and, with the chains that looped up across her bottom, rendered her private parts completely inaccessible. She pulled at it slightly but it didn't budge. “Barry, this is crazy."

  "Isn't it,” Barry agreed. “But effective. Now, as I said, I'm going to get dinner, but first I'm going to help you into the right frame of mind to begin your training. Have you ever been tied up, slave?” Jill didn't answer. In fact, one boy in college had made a game out of tying her hands to the headboard before fucking her, and she had liked it at the time, but it had so clearly been a game. This didn't feel like a game. She bit her lip nervously. Barry leaned down and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

  "It's ok, angel. I won't hurt you. At least not now. I'm just going to help get you into the right frame of mind. You said you want this. Trust me. First raise your arms.” Jill obeyed and Barry slipped her dress over her head. Taking a small penknife from his pocket, one that Jill had given him before they had married, he measured with his hand and then cut a length of rope. “Hold out your hands.” She did and he wrapped the rope around her thin wrists, vaguely remembering a simple knot from Boy Scout days that would stay secure but was easy to remove. He liked the look of the black rope against her tan skin. Next he attached another, longer piece of rope to the rope around her wrists.

  "Come on into the kitchen. I want you where I can see you.” She followed, hands cuffed in front of her, chastity belt between her legs, bare breasts gently bouncing as they walked. In the kitchen, Barry brought her to a spot under the light fixture. Tossing the rope, it coiled up over the fixture and he pulled it down, forcing Jill's arms up into the air as he did so. He continued to pull it gently until her arms were raised high above her head, which had a nice way of raising her breasts as well, forcing her to arch her back slightly. Jill felt her pussy heating inside the metal cup. She was a little afraid of what was happening, but deeply, undeniably intrigued.

  "Now don't pull, or you might pull the light down. I plan to make some changes in the guest bedroom, but for now, this will do. Just one more thing.” Barry paused and fished in his pocket for a second, bringing out the silk blindfold, which he placed gently over Jill's eyes, being careful not to pull her hair in it.

nbsp; Something about the blindfold! Jill started to breathe faster, shallow little breaths that made her breasts heave. She couldn't see and somehow this made her feel far more vulnerable than the fact that her hands were tied together over her head. She felt a slight sense of panic and started to speak, to tell Barry he had to take it off. But Barry was watching her, and he saw her discomfort, guessed at her fear.

  He whispered close to her ear so that she startled and jumped slightly. “Sh, don't worry, Jill. Remember, it's me. I know you're feeling a little scared right now, a little nervous. That's good. I want you to feel that way. I want you to stand here, naked and bound, blinded and alone. You can't get down, you can't move. I could do anything I wanted to you right now and you can't do a thing about it. You can't even see what is happening to you.” He leaned down and gently bit one of her nipples. Jill, already skittish, cried out and pulled away.

  "No! I can't do this!"

  "You can. Sure you can. You really have no choice. Now calm down and relax. I'm going to make dinner for you. I'm going to make steaks and we can finish this bottle of Merlot.” He turned away from her then, and Jill could hear him making his preparations, opening the refrigerator, clinking platters and moving around. Her heart was pounding, but her panic was subsiding. Yes, of course she could do this. She would trust him. And as he said, what choice did she have? Perhaps the knowledge that she really did have a choice, that he would never really keep her against her will, helped her to relax. After all, this was Barry here, not some stranger. This was her husband, and she knew he loved her. And he was making dinner. Now that was something new! She smiled slightly and stood quietly, acutely aware of the metal between her legs, the rope around her wrists, her bare body arched out for her husband to ogle while he cooked.

  He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, cupping her breasts and then squeezing her nipples. He moved in front of her and took her face in his hands. “I like you like this. You look so hot tied up like that. I think we're going to have a lot of fun exploring bondage and discipline, don't you, cunt?"

  Unconsciously Jill pursed her lips; she didn't like being called a cunt. Suddenly she felt the sharp sting as Barry slapped her cheek. She gasped and tried to pull away. “Don't make faces, cunt. Do you have a problem with the word cunt, cunt? Well, you better get over it, because that's what you are; you are my cunt.” He held her face and kissed her mouth, biting her lower lip, forcing his tongue in, pressing against her naked body.

  He reached his arms around her and unlocked the little clasp, letting the chastity belt clatter to the floor. Using one hard finger, he found her entrance and pushed up into it, pleased and aroused by how obviously wet and horny she was. She could make all the faces she wanted, but the slut was definitely into what was happening to her. She wanted it as much as he did. Quickly he let the ropes down, and scooping his wife up into his arms, took her to the bedroom.

  Laying her gently on the bed, he retied her wrists, this time to the brass headboard. He took off the blindfold and looked into her dark eyes. She was still breathing hard, and her expression almost seemed to be pleading. He felt the lust of passion overwhelm him. Quickly undressing, steaks forgotten, he climbed over her and thrust himself into her, causing her to grunt and moan.

  Forcing himself to go slowly, he eased out of her and paused, his cock poised at her entrance as he leaned down and kissed her soft mouth and neck. Then he plunged into her with one hard thrust, so that again she was forced to grunt and moan. Over and over he repeated this until she was arching up, begging him to fuck her. She had never begged like this; indeed she was usually silent during their lovemaking, except for the ooohs and aaahs she probably thought were expected of her. But now she was like a bitch in heat, decidedly ‘unladylike’ as she begged to be fucked, as she grunted and yelped with his unrelenting thrusts. He came into her, yelling her name, and collapsed onto her. She was wriggling and moving under him, desperate for more, just a little more, to send her over the edge.

  He lay on her, a dead weight, ignoring her need, her little mewling cries. He knew exactly what she wanted. He smiled slowly, remembering what Paul had told him this afternoon. “Don't always let them come. They're all sluts and live for their orgasms. You have to teach them that it is a reward, and something to be earned. Either that or it's something you like to watch, and so you let them come for your amusement, not for their own pleasure. You have to teach them that this isn't about them. It's about you. And how they can serve you. Not the other way around. Teach them at the outset. Teach them who is the boss, and who is the slave, the subservient, the object of your desire. Only then will you truly own them."

  "You want to come, don't you, slut?” Jill nodded, eyes closed, desperately close to orgasm, needy and intent upon it. “Well, you can't.” Lifting himself off her, Barry stood up, his cock still dripping with his semen and her pussy juices. “That's another thing you'll have to earn, and God knows you haven't earned it yet! Now clean this cock off and then we'll eat.” He leaned over her, straddling her shoulders, forcing his cock into her mouth. He would never have dared to do this before to his wife, never have even thought of doing it. But this wasn't his wife. This was his whore, and he could do whatever came to his mind. Yes, he could do what he wanted with his property.

  He slapped her lips with his cock until Jill opened her mouth, and then he slid his sticky cock in. Jill sputtered and tried to move away, but she was pinned under him, arms still tied above her head. Reluctantly she licked the shaft, her nose wrinkling in distaste, until he was satisfied. Barry stood again and untied Jill's arms. She looked angry, like a petulant little girl who's been denied her lollypop. He grinned at her. “No one said it was all going to be easy, slut. Now wipe that bratty little expression off your face and put on that pink silk camisole thing I like and come to the kitchen for dinner. If I catch you touching that pussy, I'll put the belt right back on, don't think I won't."

  * * * *

  "You done? Make sure, because I won't be home till 1:00.” It was 6:20 in the morning, and Jill, naked and sitting on the toilet, nodded. She was embarrassed to have Barry standing over her like this, watching her urinate. He was holding the chastity belt. When she stood, he buckled it around her waist, securing and locking it behind her back. He slipped the key onto a silver chain around his neck and smiled at her.

  As the lock clicked shut, Jill shivered, though it was warm in the large master bathroom. Barry pulled Jill toward him, wrapping her in a tight embrace. He kissed the top of her head, inhaling the sweet scent of sage and wildflower from her shampoo. He felt his cock stiffen in his pants and pulled away. He had to go to work. Taking off for lunch would necessitate some rescheduling, but he didn't care. He would come back and see how his slut liked her new metal cunt cage. Now, even if twenty guys came over and stood in line to fuck her, they wouldn't be allowed access. He had the only key and it would stay with him.

  "Do you want this, Jill?” Barry asked, voice gentle but his eyes blazing.

  "Yes, sir,” she nodded, and she tried to hug him again, but Barry pulled away.

  "No, no, slut. Don't try to distract me. Your pussy's all locked up anyway, and I have to get to work. I want you to drink the orange juice I've left for you. No cheating by not drinking. This is the first of many lessons in suffering. You are going to learn to suffer with grace."

  Jill followed him as he walked into the hallway, collecting his briefcase on the way. He had more orders for her. “This is between us for now, though I may involve others at a later date. No phone calls today, no calls to your girlfriends to discuss your latest, eh, fashion accessory.” He grinned and went on. “You will get privileges as you prove yourself worthy; privileges like going to the bathroom on your own, calling and even going out with your friends, permission to come, permission to use the furniture in my presence, but for now, no. For now you do only and exactly what I tell you to do.

  "The first thing, as I said, is to drink the juice. The second thing is
to go back online and visit the sites you liked, and find some real-time submissives to talk to online. I want you to learn about their experiences and pay attention to how it makes you feel. This isn't a game; not to me. I want you to embrace this as if your life depended on it.” He lifted her chin, forcing her to look up into his face. “Am I clear, little slut? Do you understand what your master is asking of you today?"

  "Yes, sir,” she breathed, and then she looked away, as if she couldn't meet the eyes of this new powerful man who was taking her into such total control.

  Once Barry had gone, Jill dutifully drank the orange juice, which was fresh squeezed and delicious. Before this ‘transformation’ in their roles, Barry had never cooked a meal, washed a dish and certainly never squeezed fresh juice. She could get used to this, she thought, smiling.

  Going to the full-length mirror in the bathroom, Jill examined the belt from all angles. It looked something like metal underwear in the front, a metal thong panty. It was pretty, and the burnished silver contrasted nicely with her tanned skin. It fit snugly, but wasn't uncomfortable. Just as an experiment, she tried to slip a finger between the metal and her pussy. It was impossible.

  She gave up and examined her body critically in the mirror. Unlike most women, she actually liked her body. Admittedly, she spent quite a lot of time working to make it perfect, with daily workouts and careful tanning by the pool, and a healthy diet. But nature had also been especially kind, endowing her with long shapely legs and a slender waist. She thought her breasts might be a little bigger, but her 34C cup was attractive, and her nipples, though small, were a pleasing dusky pink.

  Again her eyes were drawn to the belt. She was fascinated by it, and by what it symbolized. He was truly claiming her. It was one thing to state that her body belonged to him and only him, but what a way to prove it! The fact that he was able to pick up such an item must mean that other people were using them! Did they make them for men too? While she was online, she would check out chastity belts. There was nothing you couldn't find out about online, it seemed.